
 モノづくりは重要な二つの単語から構成されます。すなわち製品としての「モノ」、そして創世 (あるいは発明) し、生産 (あるいは製造) 、そして顧客の手に渡ってからのサービスを含めて「づくり」となります。それは所謂、顧客が価値を得られる製品について、QCD課題に裏付けられた革新性を盛り込んだ製品を定義し、アイディエーション、計画、設計、生産&製造、保守&サービスを進めるコンセプトを表現する非常に意味深い言葉と考えます。

 ここで言う「製品」とは、物理的なブツにかぎらずサービス (ノウハウ含む) なども含みます。


Mono-Zukuri is a Japanese word. It means that a manufacturing company creates and delivers products that provide value to thier customers in order to make the best profit for them.

Monozukuri is composed of two important words. Monozukuri is composed of two words: mono, as a product, and tsukuri, which includes the creation (or invention), production (or manufacturing), and service after the product is in the hands of the customer. It is a very meaningful word that defines a product with innovation backed by QCD issues and expresses the concept of proceeding with ideas, planning, design, production, manufacturing, maintenance, and service for products that customers can obtain value from.

The term “product” here includes not only physical goods but also services (including know-how).

While the key to achieving this concept is how to manufacture and assemble products based on traditional processes, the essence of this concept encompasses the entire product lifecycle in today’s ever-changing global environment, including the collaborative creation, utilization, and management of intellectual, physical, and resource assets, including those of the customer, in partnership with the company and its affiliated companies. The entire product lifecycle involves the collaborative creation, utilization, and management of intellectual and physical assets and resources among companies and their affiliates, including customers, in today’s ever-changing global environment.

モノづくり (ものづくり – wiki) 、この言葉が出たころはどちらかと言うと、原点を視点に製造に支点があったのではと感じ、自分としてはそうでないと、製品の構想から設計、そしてサービスまでも含むのだと、その意味で上記の簡素は表現を使って気ております。最近では政府の「ものづくり白書」もプロセス&ライフサイクル全体になっていると感じております。以下は最近、勉強させていただいたサイトです;
ものづくりブログ、ものづくり 設計