20230214 : CIMdata’s Craig Brown to Moderate a Panel Discussion at Altair’s Future.Industry 2023 Event

CIMdata, Inc., the leading global PLM strategic management consulting and research firm, announces that Craig Brown, Executive Consultant, will moderate a panel discussion at Future.Industry 2023. The panel discussion, “Exploring Digital Twins: Common Understanding, Challenges, and Business Value,” will bring together thought leaders from different industries who will share insights about real-world Digital Twin projects.

Panelists will discuss the common understanding of Digital Twins, show how they overcame challenges before and during their Digital Twin projects, and explain how to identify and include other crucial stakeholders within the company and beyond to maximize business benefits from these types of projects.

Future.Industry is a virtual global event that will explore and discuss the latest trends impacting our world. The event will take place on March 8 & 9.

To learn more about the event and to register, visit https://events.altair.com/future-industry-2023/.

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