Q&A from “The State of the PLM Economy” Webinar
先日のウェビナーにご参加いただいた皆様に、改めて御礼申し上げます。セッションのさらなる情報は以下でご覧いただけます。セッション中、多くの質問にお答えしましたが、時間が足りなくなりました。以下の投稿では、残りの質問にお答えするよう努めます。もし、さらにご質問があれば、遠慮なく、s.przybylinski@CIMdata.com までご連絡ください。
過去10年ほどの間に、小売、フットウェア、またアパレル (RFA) 市場で多くの採用・導入がありました。同市場では持続可能性が大きな課題となっているため、今後もこの傾向が続くと思われます。
Propelは私の発言の中でふれましたが、スライドには掲載されませんでした。Propelは、注目されている他の企業と比較して小さな企業であり、現時点で市場ではユニークな存在です。Propelは、Force.comで構築された唯一のPLM製品です。これは、あらゆる種類の IT 機能を提供する上で、プラットフォームが重要であることを考えると、妥当なことだと思います。私はまた、PTCがGEからServiceMaxを買収したことにもふれました。このサービスは、 Force.comをベースに構築されており、私はPTC Atlasの取り組みをその方向に進めるかどうかについてもコメントしました。
2022年6月に行った私の予測では、2023年 (暦年) は 5.8%でした。
Siemensの数値は入手可能ですが、公開されていません。私は、SiemensのPLMの数字をPLM leadershipから入手しても、CIMdataや誰かが公表できるかどうかはわかりません。
マーケットリサーチャーは、CIMdataがしているように自分たちの「推定値」と位置づければ、どんな数字でも公にすることができます。人々にそれを信じさせるのは、方法論、業界ナレッジ、人脈、また数字の背後にあるものです。このウェビナーでは、私たちの方法論について簡単に説明し、また毎年開催しているPLM Market & Industry Forumsでは、さらに詳しく取り上げています。もし、私たちのプロセスについて質問・疑念があれば、私に連絡ください。
Siemensは、あるチャートではグローバルPLM売上高トップ25に、別のチャートでは「Mindshare Leaders」カテゴリーで2位にランクインしています。Siemensは、他の企業ほど多くの買収を行っていないため、M&Aに関する私の議論ではあまり取り上げられませんでした。
SaaS (マルチテナント) 採用・導入とIaaS/サブスクリプションの売上高や成長率を比較した場合、何か違いがありますか?
私がウェビナーで述べたように、Arasは主要な競合他社に比べて収益がはるかに小さいにもかかわらず、2017年に弊社は、「Mindshare Leaders」のリストに加えました。弊社がそうしたのは、多くの主要な競合他社を含め、多くの人々が同社とそのソリューションについてもっと知りたいと私たちにアプローチしてきたからです。
サブスクリプションのみを提供するAutodeskの動きは、従来のオンプレミス企業によるPLM分野での最初の動きでした (Arenaなどからずっとそうだったと聞かないように、最後の但し書きを入れなければなりませんでした) 。多くの企業が何年も前から「レンタル」を提供していましたが、これは常にライセンスオプションの1つに過ぎませんでした。Autodeskは、これを顧客にとって唯一のオプションとすることを推し進めました。予想通り、顧客は反対し、何人かは離れていったかもしれません。しかし、同社の決算を見る限り、離反は限定的だったようです。弊社では、新しい顧客は、将来の問題に目を向けながら、サブスクリプションベースのライセンスを提供するAutodeskなどとの取引関係を結ぶことを願っています。ここ数年に実施された産業界のユーザーに対する調査結果が、より広い範囲の人々を代表しているとすれば、多くの人々がそうであるように思われます。
- Questions from the 2022 PLM Market Update Webinar
- Sharing the QA from the webinar on Research on Cloud-SaaS Adoption in PLM
- Dassault Systèmes' Cloud Strategy: A Conversation with Vincent Frerebeau
- Siemens Digital Industries Software's Cloud Strategy: An Interview with Joe Bohman
- PTC's Cloud Strategy: Focus on Onshape and Atlas

Q&A from “The State of the PLM Economy” Webinar
Written by Stan Przybylinski
I would again like to thank those who took the time to attend my recent Webinar. You can find more information on the session here. While I answered quite a few questions during the session, we ran out of time. In the post below, I endeavor to answer the remaining questions. If you have further questions, do not hesitate to contact me at: s.przybylinski@CIMdata.com
Which Industry segments are rapidly adopting cPDm portfolio?
Over the last decade or so there has been a lot of adoption in the retail, footwear, and apparel (RFA) market. This will likely continue as sustainability is a big issue in that market.
I do not see Propel PLM, which is a private company. Are they too small to mention?
Propel was mentioned during my remarks but did not appear on a slide. Propel is a small company compared to the others highlighted and is unique in the market at this point. Propel is the only PLM offering built on Force.com. This is relevant given the importance of platforms in delivering IT capabilities of all types. I also mentioned that PTC acquired ServiceMax from GE. This offering is also built on Force.com, and I commented on whether PTC might take its Atlas efforts in that direction.
What is the forecast for cPDm Service Provider revenues in 2023?
My forecast made in June 2022 was 5.8% for CY 2023.
Siemens numbers are available but not public. I am not sure if CIMdata or anyone can publish the Siemens PLM numbers even if they get them from the PLM leadership at Siemens
Market researchers can publish any numbers they want if they position them as their “estimates” as CIMdata does. What makes people believe them is what is behind the numbers in terms of methodology, industry knowledge and contacts, and other factors. I briefly described our methodology in this Webinar and cover it more in our annual PLM Market & Industry Forums. If anyone has questions about our process, they can reach out to me.
Any market share analysis for 2022 per PLM platforms and companies that pivoted from one Vendor to another PLM Vendor?
Based on surveys we conduct with industrial respondents, there is movement but that is not the purpose of our market research. And getting those numbers would be very difficult.
Is Siemens missing from this list?
They were included in the top 25 in global PLM revenues on one chart and as second among our “Mindshare Leaders” category on another chart. They did not make as many acquisitions as some other firms, so they did not get as much coverage in my discussions of M&A.
Is there a split by revenue/growth of SaaS (Multi-tenant) adoption vs. IaaS/Subscription?
We do not currently publish that information, but the multi-tenant number would be very small as few offerings today are fully multi-tenant.
How about small players like OpenBOM etc.? Do you look at it?
We know OpenBOM quite well. CIMdata positions them in the cPDm segment and have a fine offering, one of the few multi-tenant cloud offerings available in the market. They are growing well and adding more PLM-ish functionality with each release.
What is your opinion of Aras as a PLM provider versus its competition?
As I mentioned in the Webinar, we added Aras to our “Mindshare Leaders” list in 2017 even though their revenues were much smaller than their main competitors. We did that because many people approached us to learn more about the company and its solution, including many major competitors.
How do you view the Autodesk billing transition impacting customer spending habits?
Autodesk’s move to offering only subscriptions was the first in the PLM space by a traditionally on-premise company. (I had to put that last caveat in lest I hear from Arena and others that were always that way.) Many companies have offered “rentals” for years, but this was always just one licensing option. Autodesk pushed to make it the only option for their customers. As one would expect, customers objected and some probably even left. But, based on their financial results, it would seem that defections were limited. I would hope new customers would enter their business relationships with Autodesk and others offering subscription-based licensing with their eyes open to future issues. If the results from surveys with industrial users conducted over the last few years represent the broader population, it seems that many are.
For more information on Stan visit.
Email s.przybylinski@cimdata.com
Latest from Stan Przybylinski
- Questions from the 2022 PLM Market Update Webinar
- Sharing the QA from the webinar on Research on Cloud-SaaS Adoption in PLM
- Dassault Systèmes' Cloud Strategy: A Conversation with Vincent Frerebeau
- Siemens Digital Industries Software's Cloud Strategy: An Interview with Joe Bohman
- PTC's Cloud Strategy: Focus on Onshape and Atlas
- The Multi-View BOM Value Potential