2020.4.14:Upchain Supports Working from Home (CIMdata Highlight)

According to the famous Greek philosopher Heraclitus, “The only constant in life is change.” Oh, how true, given the current global pandemic. Who would have thought that the global economies of the world would have been shut down overnight, resulting in millions of people being out of work with the snap of a finger? Many millions more are now working from home—all needing access to product lifecycle related tools and data, remotely and securely like never before.*1 

It is in times like these when leaders emerge, who proactively define the path forward and to prepare for the future. These true leaders also seek out and deliver value without expecting immediate return. Upchain is one such leader in the global PLM ecosystem. Their recent announcement by Mr. John Laslavic, Upchain’s CEO, illustrates how they have stepped up to help not only their current customers, but also future potential ones. The flexibility and designed robustness of Upchain’s quick-start implementation program, Connect the Chain (CtC), is helping organizations overcome today’s rapidly evolving challenges, like those mentioned above, quickly and effectively using modern PLM-enabling technology. Besides showing how CtC can be successfully used in these challenging times, Upchain also recently announced that they have enhanced the program so that it better supports and enables current work-from-home policies of many of its customers by extending one month of free subscriptions for any additional users that are added to the system. CIMdata applauds Upchain’s proactive leadership stance taken to support its customers and organizations’ changing needs during these challenging times. 

*1 Research for this highlight was partially supported by Upchain. 

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